425 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11224

Zoom! Teeth Whitening Can Help You Achieve a Dramatically Brighter Smile

A stunning, brilliantly white smile can make a tremendous difference for your appearance and self-confidence. If you are struggling with dental stains, Zoom! teeth whitening can give you a sparkling and brighter grin. We can typically complete the treatment in a single visit to our Neptune Dentist Office. With appropriate maintenance, the results can last for years. Zoom! is suitable for a broad range of patients, and you can undergo treatment even if you suffer from dental sensitivity. The whitening gel has a unique formula designed to reduce discomfort. Further, at Neptune Dentist our team works meticulously to provide convenient, comfortable, and highly effective care.

Are You a Candidate for Zoom! Teeth Whitening?

Zoom! is one of the most popular and effective ways to reduce extrinsic dental stains. This type of discoloration, found on the outside of your teeth, usually appears because of the foods and drinks we consume. For instance, if you regularly consume coffee, red wine, and other dark-colored products, pigmented molecules can build up over time. Fortunately, teeth whitening can reduce these stains by several shades.

On the other hand, if you have intrinsic, or internal, stains—typically the result of infection or certain medications—Zoom! will not be appropriate. Instead, we can recommend an alternative cosmetic treatment such as porcelain veneers. Additionally, you may not be a candidate for whitening if you have a dental bridge or other restoration, since Zoom! will not lighten your prosthetic. Again, in these cases, veneers may be a better choice.

How Zoom! Works

Zoom! uses a uniquely formatted, peroxide-based whitening gel. Over the course of your 45-minute treatment, your dentist or hygienist will apply three coats of gel to your teeth. Each time, he or she will activate the material with a special light. Oxygen molecules will then set off a chemical reaction, causing the bonds between stained molecules to break down. Each coat of gel typically remains on your teeth for approximately fifteen minutes. Your practitioner will carefully cover your gums to make sure that the gel does not touch the sensitive tissue. Thus, the treatment should involve negligible discomfort.

The Benefits of Zoom!

It is no surprise that Zoom! is one of the most popular whitening options available today. The treatment offers a number of important advantages:

  • Zoom! teeth whitening takes place in one appointment and the results are immediately apparent. You do not have to worry about a daily whitening regimen. Plus, it can be a great solution if you have a big upcoming milestone, like a wedding or reunion.
  • In just 45 minutes, Zoom! can give you a smile that is up to 8 shades lighter. This can transform your whole appearance, making you look younger and drawing the eye to your other features. Your brighter grin can also give you a heightened sense of self-confidence.
  • Although there are a number of over-the-counter whitening products available, Zoom! is far superior. First, unmonitored drug store products could contain unsafe levels of peroxide that could damage your teeth and gums. Other versions do not contain enough peroxide to be effective. By contrast, Zoom! is meticulously formulated to safeguard your teeth and achieve the most dramatic results possible.

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425 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11224

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Fax: (718) 449 7677